Creating an Order/ Shipment directly from Won Inquiry

1. As you are proceeding to mark your Inquiry/ Quote as won Click on 'Won & Create Shipment' Or 'Won & Create Order'. For this example we are creating a direct Shipment

Incase you would like to know how to mark an inquiry won or lost, click here.

As you are proceeding to mark your Inquiry/ Quote as won

Click on 'Won & Create Shipment' Or 'Won & Create Order'. For this example we are creating a direct Shipment

2. This will take you to the New Shipment creation page where all of the details from your Inquiry & Quote (especially charge codes) will be pre-filled for easy access.

Click here to see detailed steps on how to create a Job

This will take you to the New Shipment creation page where all of the details from your Inquiry & Quote (especially charge codes) will be pre-filled for easy access.

3. Click on Create Shipment

Click on Create Shipment